How would you rate the overall ambiance of the Balinese Immersion Dinner tonight?
Excellent 62 / 80
Very Good 15 / 80
Good 3 / 80
Fair 0 / 80
Poor 0 / 80
Which aspect of the dinner did you find most fascinating?
The traditional Balinese music and dance performances 41 / 74
Learning about Balinese rituals and customs 13 / 74
The authentic Balinese cuisine 10 / 74
The beautiful setting and decor 9 / 74
Other 1 / 74
Did you feel the Balinese Immersion Dinner provided a better understanding of Balinese culture?
Yes, it was very informative 47 / 63
Somewhat, I learned a few new things 16 / 63
Not really, I expected more insights 0 / 63
No, I didn't learn much about Balinese culture 0 / 63
How would you rate the friendliness and hospitality of the staff during the dinner?
Excellent 63 / 66
Very Good 3 / 66
Good 0 / 66
Fair 0 / 66
Poor 0 / 66
Which dish from the dinner menu was your favorite?
Apetizier 24 / 66
Main Courses 25 / 66
Dessert 14 / 66
Other 3 / 66
Did the cultural explanations during the dinner enhance your experience?
Yes, they added a lot of value 49 / 66
Somewhat, they were interesting 17 / 66
Not really, I prefer a more interactive format 0 / 66
No, I found them unnecessary 0 / 66
Were you satisfied with the variety of activities and performances during the dinner?
Yes, there was a good mix of entertainment 63 / 65
Somewhat, I expected more variety 2 / 65
No, I felt it was repetitive 0 / 65
I didn't pay much attention to the performances 0 / 65
Would you consider coming back to Kelapa and attending another cultural immersion experience in the future?
Yes, definitely 57 / 65
Maybe, if the theme interests me 6 / 65
No, I prefer different types of events 0 / 65
I'm not sure 2 / 65
How likely are you to recommend the Balinese Immersion Dinner to a friend or family member?
Very likely 54 / 65
Likely 10 / 65
Neutral 0 / 65
Unlikely 1 / 65
Very unlikely 0 / 65
Is there anything specific you would suggest to improve the Balinese Immersion Dinner experience?
Other 59 / 59